6 Feb 2025: Listenbox is pausing operations until we can reliably bypass YouTube blocks.

We're currently sending refunds for unused time. Please email hello@listenbox.app from your Listenbox account email.

If you're a Creator, please email to get help with transfer to another podcast hosting

BSテレ東で毎週月~木曜 夜9時から、金曜 夜9時54分から放送中。“ビジネスに頑張る現役世代のスキルになる経済番組”をキーワードに現場取材や調査報道に基づいたニュースにこだわり、新コーナーや最新のマーケットニュースなど、経済のリアルや日本の「次」をわかりやすく伝えます。

Audio and artwork embedded on this page are from www.youtube.com which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listenbox.