“Alchemical symbolism is a lovely metaphysics, a gracious and beautiful approach to one of the great problems of daily existence. Every individual in his own personal life can be an alchemist, a worker with the divine chemistries of living… Alchemy is actually a dedicated effort to find out where we come from, why we are here, and where we are going. It is a way of applying all that we know to all the problems that we must solve. Step by step, we become more knowing, more useful, and more helpful, becoming better citizens here and, whether we realize it or not, better citizens of Eternity." –Manly Palmer Hall (March 18,1901-August 29, 1990)
video: Stephen Reedy
audio assistance: Carlyle Coash
special thanks to Amanda Brass
images: Paintings by J. Augustus Knapp from "The Secret Teachings" by Manly Hall; Alchemical drawings (including the Ripley Scroll) from the Manly Palmer Hall Collection of Alchemical Manuscripts at the Getty
From a lecture given at PRS on July 8th, 1984
To purchase a copy of the printed lecture note, ebook, or other books by Manly Hall please visit https://www.prs.org/shop.html
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