6 Feb 2025: Listenbox is pausing operations until we can reliably bypass YouTube blocks.

We're currently sending refunds for unused time. Please email hello@listenbox.app from your Listenbox account email.

If you're a Creator, please email to get help with transfer to another podcast hosting

Play YouTube in the background on iOS

  1. Install Shortcuts app if you don't have it already:

    apple app store
  2. Open Shortcuts app, go to Gallery tab and install any shortcut. This is needed for the next step, you can remove it later.

    Shortcuts gallery
  3. Go to Settings → Shortcuts and enable "Allow Untrusted Shortcuts". This is needed to install third party shortcuts like Listenbox.

    iOS settings
  4. Install Listen shortcut

  5. (Optional) Install Listen Later shortcut

Now you have Listenbox in your share sheet. Tap this button and choose "Listen" from the list:

iOS share sheet Added to listen later dialog

If you don't have a podcast app, Overcast is cool:

apple app store